
Stark Training is an approved Construction Training Fund (CTF) provider for bulk billing which enables us to reduce training fees by up to 80% for eligible individuals and employers.
The Construction Training Fund is a statutory authority established to ensure Western Australia’s building and construction industry can meet demand for skilled workers by reducing the training costs to further develop and enhance the skills required within the construction industry.
If you successfully complete an approved short course offered by Stark Training which is listed under the CTF programme you may be eligible.
On providing Stark Training with the required information, we will reduce your training fee to the nominated amount which excludes the CTF rebate. We will then apply for this difference directly from the CTF, reducing your up-front out of pocket costs considerably.

If you are claiming the CTF subsidies, payment is due upfront at registration.


  • You are currently employed in the building and construction industry
  • Your business is working within the building and construction industry
  • You are working in Western Australia
  • You can provide detailed information on your work history within the building and construction industry

The final determination regarding eligibility rests with the Construction Training Fund.

More information about the Construction Training Fund can be found here